Welcome to We Hear YA!
Connecting YA Writers with their Teen Audience.
Remember your pre-college days? Well, 19yo Emmy Kate Bickford is about to take us back there, by sharing her mindset during the crucial application process.
Hello Emmy!
The most important
thing for me when looking for colleges was finding a school that had great
programs in both of my intended majors, theatre and dance. It was easy, then,
to knock off schools early on in the application process. When you know what
you want to do after college, it makes it much easier to find the right college
and program for you. Another factor I considered was whether the college was
part of the Disney College Program since I’ve always dreamed of participating
in their intern program. Money was another important factor in deciding where
to apply, as some schools that had excellent programs in theatre and dance were
simply too expensive.
2. What was the most
nerve-racking aspect of applying and why?
As a theatre and dance
major, the audition aspect of applying to schools was the most nerve racking
part since I was being judged on how well I performed in the moment rather than
being able to hide behind a written application.
3. How often did the
topic of college apps come up with your friends?

4. What stress dealing
habits did you pick up during this time?
In high school, I took
dance classes five days a week and was able to rid work off my stress through
that. However, in college, now that dance is a class where I receive a grade,
it creates some of my stress. Thus, I’ve had to develop some new stress
relievers, such as going to the gym, drinking lots of water and avoiding
caffeine, and also setting aside time just to relax whether this means hanging
out with friends or simply taking a much needed nap.
5. Now that you are a Freshman at Western KY University, what do you miss most about high school?
When I was in high school, I thought the only thing I
would miss would be the comfort of knowing my surroundings and everyone around
me. The idea of going to a new place, not knowing anyone, or how to get
anywhere scared me a bit. I also thought I would miss my friends; but overall,
I didn’t think I would miss much because I was generally very excited to start
the next chapter of my life. Now that I’m in college and have been here long
enough to know my surroundings and make quite a few friends, I feel comfortable
where I am and don’t miss much about high school.
Thanks Emmy! We can't wait to see you perform with Disney :)
STAY TUNED FOR NEXT WEEK'S BLOG POST - Featuring pics from a teen gal's bedroom!
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